Friday 28 October 2016

Teeth Cleaning Services in Cincinnati, OH

Welcome to Anderson Dental Care. Located in Anderson Township, our Cincinnati dental practice has been a trusted name among cosmetic dentist in cincinnati over 30 years. Dr. Nathan Brooks and our staff take pride in the close relationships we have with our patients – when you visit Anderson Dental Care, you’re part of a family.

Our family focused practice offers a wide range of services from preventative cleanings to bridges and cosmetic dentist procedures like Invisalign. No matter what your Cincinnati dental care needs are, Our Cincinnati dentist have the right solution for you. We are attentive to each and every patient’s individual needs because we care about you as a person, not as a number. Some of members of our staff have been with Anderson Dental Care Nathan Brooks DDS for over 15 years, and value our patients as if they were family.

Dentures in Cincinnati

Sometimes you have more than one tooth missing. Maybe two or three or four and we’re looking at different options. There are a couple different options out there to fill those gaps. There’s an implant, which is an option, an implant would be something, maybe one or two or possibly three teeth, you put an implant screw more or less into the bone and then after that, putting crowns attached to those implants. The longevity on that is great. It will last for years and years. We have research going forty years back now so it’s something that really does last a long time. It’s a little bit more of an investment up front but it’s an investment in your oral health, it really will last.

There’s another option of doing maybe a partial. A removable partial denture is an appliance that fits on the rest of the remaining teeth by class maybe or rest on those other teeth and with that partial has fake teeth in there or false teeth in there that function like teeth. Aesthetically it’s a little bit better than having nothing there, but really it helps fill those gaps and make you be able to chew easier.

Dentures in Cincinnati are affordable and effective, and modern dentures are so well-­made that it’s impossible to tell they aren’t real! We are able to effectively match the color of your new dentures to your natural teeth, giving you a beautiful new smile that you can feel confident about.

Teeth Whitening in Cincinnati OH

Sometimes the smile of your dreams is just a simple step away, which is why Anderson Dental Care offers teeth whitening in Cincinnati, OH. Imagine getting the professionally whitened smile of your dreams in the comfort of your own home!

When you come to our dental clinic for teeth cleaning in Cincinnati, we’ll start by examining your teeth. After teeth whitening dentist determined that you are a good candidate for whitening, we’ll take an impression of your mouth. This is used to create a custom-fit tray that will ensure complete and even whitening coverage.

At home teeth whitening is a safe and effective treatment, and the results produced are just as good as those done in the office. Custom fit trays make your teeth whitening experience great, and with the added bonus of doing it at home, you’ll be thrilled with the results!

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